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2G and 3G: one day guides

Nella settimana tra il 5 ed il 12 Novembre la nostra scuola ha ospitato tre docenti dell'IES "S.Rueda" di Velez Malaga per una mobilità di Job Shadowing.

Abbiamo pensato di coinvolgere attivamente alcune classi anche in attività in esterna.

E dunque, quale migliore occasione per comunicare in lingua inglese, presentando alcune bellezze del nostro territorio?

Ringrazio la nostra scuola ed, in particolare, i colleghi della commissione Erasmus ( i docenti Ferdinando Moretti Foggia, Marco Binda, Olga Romagnoni, Antonio Torriani ed Elena Meroni) che con grande impegno hanno reso possibile anche questo scambio, offrendoci una preziosa opportunità di crescita.

Qui di seguito, gli articoli scritti da due alunni, in rappresentanza delle classi 2G e 3G.

Buona lettura. Emanuela Gravina

7th November 2023: around Erba with the Erasmus teachers

We heard that 3 Erasmus teachers were visiting Italy and staying here for 1 week.

How did it go?

It went pretty good!

The first meeting with the Erasmus teachers was in an algebra hour.

They helped us to figure out some problems or doubts we had.

The teachers were nice and kind.

Everyone looked to be focused on their work and most of the students didn’t get distracted.

The day after, another interesting fact happened:

as the teachers weren’t experts of Erba but the students were, 

Mrs Gravina proposed to the class to introduce Erba in a friendly way,

with a tour.

The class was divided into groups and every single group created

 a brochure. 

In the leaflet we had to describe every monument or place that was included in the brochure.

In the end some students were chosen to describe something.

The weather wasn’t the best for an open tour but anyone wasn’t willing on giving up!

The tour went great, heading to Piazza Prepositurale, Licinium Theatre and Parco Majnoni.

It was fantastic!.

The behavior of some students could have been better but the Erasmus teachers were very kind!

They kept on visiting our school for 1 week but after they had to leave to go back to Spain.

What else to say?

Everyone enjoyed that wonderful week especially because it doesn’t happen every single day!

Amani Mezlini 2G.

"A tour around Erba!

On the 9th November 2023 the class 3G had a special morning as “tourist guides” around Erba. We took three teachers on a tour, they arrived here thanks to an Erasmus mobility from Spain for a Job Shadowing.

We have worked a lot to prepare this activity with our English teacher, Mrs Gravina, since last year when a group of our class was involved in another Erasmus experience. Firstly, we had do to researches on the history and art of our territory and last year we were supported by an expert such as the architect Marieni. 

Secondly, we created a digital leaflet using Canva to present the main places interested in our visit.

So, welcoming the teachers from Malaga, we explained who Giancarlo Puecher was, the person who gives the name to our school, also focusing on the frame recently changed for the big picture at the school main entrance.

Then, we went to the Majnoni Park, where we talked about the noble families that lived in this territory and the temple which Umberto I gave for the wedding of Achille Majnoni.

Entering Villincino, we stopped at the ”lavatoio” where women used to wash their clothes and to the tower.

In Villincino we told them about the legend of a witch and  about the different ancient jobs that people practiced in the Middle Ages.

Finally we went to Piazza Mercato and to S Eufemia’s church, crossing the market through the pedestrian area, as it was a Thursday and the teachers bought some local products as souvenirs.

It was a fantastic tour and everyone enjoyed this experience and learned new things, especially we had the chance to speak in English and to grow as good citizens.

Daniele Pontiggia, 3G

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